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dvt arriere mecha.png

This project is the culmination of 5 months work where I had to create a design for a robot based on animal, and then produce it through 3D softwares such as 3DS MAX and Substance painter on u own time.


I chose to base my designs on the rhinoceros. I wanted to keep the massive and imposing size of the rhinoceros, but loose the evident connection to the animal in the important levels of details.


I also wanted to explore not the roughness of the skin but elegance of the skeleton, in particular the spine, which is very prominent on my design.

Evolution concept.png
final turn around black  grid.png
final turn around blue grid.png
mecha turn 3d (1).png
detail torse 2.png
details bassin 2.png
detail coude 2.png
detail rotule 2.png
detail jambe 2.png
mecha 2 detail (1).png
mecha different maps.png
sketching process 2.png
mecha version 6.png
wip final.jpg
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